Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Not the tiger we know!

It was the winter of 2001. And Tiger was standing just 2 feet away from us. His 2nd shot from fareway had landed little outside the green, just where we had our camera crew stationed. I could sense the increasing heartbeat of the Chinese ladies at Missions Hills as tiger truged his way to the spot, a little disapointed but eager to make amends with a birdie.

A picture of poise, Tiger did manage a birdie from a very difficult position (it was a 25-30 foot putt). His female legion of fans clapped loudly, but the only thing which stopped the ladies assembled there from whistling was that they were knowledgable about the game, and the decorum. Tiger just took of his cap, and gave an innocent smile. That was all!

At that time (and, as we know now, for 8 more years) Tiger had the reputation of being a formidable rival, but gentleman to the core. A man who was most likely to bow down on his knees to kiss the hand of the ladies and, like old time knights, ask them for a dance.

He was indeed a role model. The top sportsman of the world (there was no roger federer then) who could have beaten the likes of Shane Warne hollow in his game, if he wanted to. Unfortunately, over the years, Tiger's resistance seems to have melted. The numbers of affairs tumnbling out of the closet are a clear pointer to his indiscretions.

But more than his affairs, what stinks about this whole episode is that the man tried to use money to ensure that his marriage remains intact. Attempts to bribe his wife to remain his wife must be a most pathetic attempt. Possibly, he could have saved his marriage had he tried to come clean as soon as the first reports had appeared. Celebrities can't always resist temptations, but at least they can behave like gentlemen.

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