Thursday, November 26, 2009

Mumbaikars will rather be secure, than brave

Mumbaikars deserve a pat on the back. They are indeed our role models. Despite all the riots and terrorism, they come back again and again, and with all their might. They are quick to bury the ghosts of fear, delivered by an inept political system, as they wage the battle of livelihood on almost daily basis. But do they have any alternative?

Given a choice, many of them would like to settle in less expensive, less congested and more secure cities. But is there a choice? The lack of many attractive employment opportunities elsewhere may be forcing many of them to stay put and battle it out.

Terrorism in trains, pavements, and hotels fails to deter them. But bravery is less of a factor here. Their, and families, lives are so much intervined with these means of livelihood. They have to be brave. Simply no alternative. They are like people travelling on two-wheelers, who know that roads are dangerous for such vehicles, but still forced to travel by them.

Given a choice between bravery and safety, one would not be surprised if there is 100% vote in favour of safety. And that is what the political system needs to deliver. So that people are not forced to make supreme sacrifices in future. The families of martyrs will surely be proud of them, but secretly they would also wish that 26/11 had never happened.

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