Monday, December 14, 2009


More than a decade ago, Karishma, then 18 or 19, featured in a song `sexy, sexy, sexy mujhe log boolein (people call me sexy, sexy, sexy). After a massive public outcry, words were later changed to `fancy, fancy, fancy muzhe log bolein'. Karishma cited her age in her defence. `I am just a teen,' said an anguished Karishma.

Well wishers asked media to leave her alone as `she was still gaining in maturity'. However, some analysts in media pointed out, and rightly so, that if she was mature enough to command lakhs of rupee, she was mature enough to face the music after taking such a `bold step on celluloid'.

Coming to Tiger's case, thanks to his excellent rapport with media and clean image, not to talk of near perfect golf, he managed to earn billions. Mind it. it was as much image as it was skill. In history, players like Agassi and Kournikova were still earning in millions in endorsements even when they were not winning tournaments. Just because of certain kind of image they portrayed.
Now Tiger thrived on the image of a gentleman, a family man, a dream friend to have. He earned the love and respect of billions as they perceived him to be a true gentleman.

Mind it, any lesser man would have fallen to the kind of temptations that he had. Most certainly, I would have faced with hundreds of such opportunities on offer every month. That's why, he was the man one could not cease to adore.

Now that he has shown that he is no different, he is getting the treatment he deserves. He could have stalled it by coming out clean within first 24, 48, 72 hours. He chose not to. He underestimated the damage his indiscretions will cause. Media is perfectly justified in hyping up the story. Tiger's version is still not there!

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