Friday, December 18, 2009

The two debates

Two magnificent debates are currently raging in the country. On right to divorce, and right to live. Both deals with the freedom of choice and dignity of life. There are strong divisions on both, and both will have a bearing on the quality of our lives. Court's judgement will also decide if we are indeed moving into t...he 21st century, or continue to live in the middle of the 20th!

First divorce. Every one knows how marriages happen in India. Mostly conditioned with very little room to know each other. So, invariably, there are very good chances of many marriages falling flat on the face with partners being forced to live and bear with each other.

Even in love marriages, the way love happens in India!, odds are usually staked against really knowing each other. So a remedy should be easy divorce, with or without mutual consent! Especially so in cases where both the partners are earning.

Children's rights are important, but children may suffer more in marriages that have gone horribly wrong. Condition for mutual consent may only prolong mutual agony, especially in cases where both partners can take care of themselves. People waiting for 5, 10 years to get divorce is really not on, certainly not in conformity with our modern lifestyle.

The second most important debate relates to euthanasia. Possibly, it can be allowed on experimental basis for next ten years, and reviewed thereafter. But, in a poor country like India, there is also a very good chance of children emotionally blackmailing their ailing parents into ending their lives prematurely. So, some amount of safeguard is needed here. Ideally, only young people, with no hope of recovery, should be allowed to avail of this. Euthanasia should be a strict no-no for anyone over 50.

It's realy good that society is debating these issues today. But only a pragmatic approach on these twin issues can take India forward.

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