Thursday, December 17, 2009


Give a few months old child something he cherishes. Then try and take it back. You will be met with such high decibel cries that you will dare not take what the toddler thinks belongs to her/him.

The tendency does not change a bit as one grows. Tendency to grab anything, and I dare say, at any cost becomes integral to the existence of most of us. Hence I beg to disagree with Ramesh Kumar.

I beg to differ with Ramesh when he says that human being are basically good and circumstances make them bad. In fact, human being are born with a strong streak of possessiveness and self-preservation. Either circumstances make them feel the importance of sharing their goodies, or they remain the way they are, or even become worse! In fact, it's a four-way process 1) unfavourable circumstances keep them bad 2) they remain bad despite favourable circumstances 3) favourable Circumstances turn them good 4) they turn good in spite of unfavourable circumstances.

If you look carefully and scrutinise lives of people around, you will see almost all the cases fall under one or the other category. It's a struggle which either ends in succumbing to circumstances and retaining one's evil streak, or, in stray cases, becoming good despite circumstances.

We love the kids for their innocence. They deserve it. But we fail to see their greed. Most people, I am no exception, tend to fuel this greed, to make them a success story at any cost. In the process, we tend to do away what is good in them and, inadvertently, help them in consolidating their evil streak.

If human being was basically good, we would not have promoted sports like boxing, loved reality shows with streaks of hatred, and eulogised people like Alexander whose armies, to fulfil his whims and ambition, destroyed many a civilisations.

The fact is, life is a constant struggle to become good. But most of us take an easier way out. We tend to remain bad, and pin the blame on the circumstances. Nothing wrong with that. That is humane after all!

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