Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Humanity readies for self-destruction

If humanity has an `inadvertent’ death wish, it’s symbolized best in a piece of news by Reuters, tucked away in inside pages of most papers. The summit, says figures compiled by host Denmark, will produce 46,200 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to the annual output of over half a million Ethiopians! 5,700 tonnes will be created by the Summit, and a further 40,500 by attendees flights to Copenhagen!

So, going by how the conference is proceeding, it may end up adding more to the destruction of environment, than eliminating some of the negative factors. Fights over money, development, and perceived discrimination may be destroying our only hope of saving life on this planet.

Not so long ago, I was watching a programme on how Oxygen appeared in the atmosphere on FOX history channel. Well, it took a few billion years for earthlings to be ready to inhale the life-saver. But, going by the trend and inaction, it may take less than 300 to 400 years of development (starting with Industrial revolution) to destroy our very existence. Estimates vary on when this will happen, but no body is in doubt that it eventually will.

Still. I can sense a total inability, and willingness, to learn. Though some damage to environment may have been permanent, there is even reservation on tackling what all can be tackled. Looks like, there is a very strong death wish. The only pity is that this attitude may also end up in snuffing out the lives of all other species, who are not really responsible for this imminent collective suicide.

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