Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What a statement!

There are times when statistics takes a backseat, especially, when there is too much of it, and sentiments are back to the centrestage. So more than the runs scored, some statements become more important by the time you sit down and analyse a game after witnessing an array of mind-boggling performances. Hence, it is a pity that Sehwag’s most important statement of the day did not get a mention in most Indian newspapers. The statement, which tells so eloquently about the simplicity of the man, as well as his respect for the class shown by the opposition.

Pioneer was the only paper (out of four which I get), which had highlighted Sehwag’s statement, the kind of which no cricketer in history may have uttered during any presentation. “I was not tense at all because I was supporting Sri Lanka” says Sehwag about the final stages of the match. ``I have this superstition that whenever I support India, we lose. So I was supporting Sri Lanka here and was never tense.’’ Possibly, the statement was as much about superstition, as about acknowledging the brilliance of Lanka. It also shows the simplicity and frank approach towards the game of a man, who may one day be rated on par with the best in history, if not already. Remember, Sehwag once said about the difference between Tendulkar and himself as something relating to the bank account!

I am sure people love this kind of approach. They want some kind of honesty and `coming straight out of heart’ speeches. After seeing Sri Lanka’s bold approach, I am sure many Indians would have not felt bad had the visitors won.

I, for sure, was supporting Lanka too during the end phases of the match. I am glad there was at least one Indian in the playing XI, who was supporting my team on that day, even though for reasons of superstition!

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