Wednesday, January 2, 2008

A series that ended in five days thanks to outrageous umpiring!

Four days at Melbourne and one day at Sydney. The Australian brilliance and some rank inept (or biased depending on how you view it) umpiring has finished the series for India.

Kumble's warriors had come to win the series, and not to draw or lose it. Now unless the Indian batsmen score nearly 500 runs in the 1st innings, they can’t hope to salvage a draw or manage a win in this test. And all thanks to the umpires with some bad eyesight and hearing ailments.

Amidst all talks of Australian fightback and Symonds’ brilliance, one fact must not be lost sight of. Symonds was on 30 when given the 1st reprieve by Bucknor, and on 48 when the 3rd umpire granted him another life. Ponting was on 17 when he was given life by Benson. These batsmen are too good not to make a good use of such largess.

Had umpires made correct decisions, Australia would have lost over 150 runs by these two batsmen alone, not counting over 250 in partnership runs.

Some commentators are still calling them lucky breaks. Those comments are more outrageous than the umpiring decisions that were handed out to India, and took the competitive flavour out of the series.

Despite all their grit and determination, Australia had no chance of getting past 200 if the umpiring was up to it. Bad, that it turned out to be so bad with and without technological aids.

Now the only poetic justice in this match will be the weather coming to India’s aid and keeping this series alive. The bunch looks too demoralized now to give a real fight at Sydney.

Indeed, it was a Shameful day for the gentleman's game at Sydney.

Other links posted today
This Sickening Cricket Addiction!!!!!!
Ridiculous decision on half use of Technology
Prophetic Ponting!
Aussie Grit; Deaf Bucknor
Sensational Daylight robbery at Sydney....

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