Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mr Fix It, and Roebuck's Rebuke

"Just fix it then," Ponting was understood to have said when emotions flared, says a report.

What else can a hapless skipper do. Too much of monetary loss for Cricket Australia staring at their face. And with a face saving alibi in Hindi abuse M…K, it would have been prudent to entertain a verdict, which could save the tour.

A win for Harbhajan and Tendulkar, but India must not celebrate. They did overplay their card, and invited worldwide criticism for being big brother. May be they did not charter a private plane in case Bhajji was banned, but the rumours were allowed to circulate for far too long to ensure an impact on the eventual verdict.

It is high time for the Indians to pay heed to the words of Roebuck, who has slammed them for crude, naked aggression, just as he did when Ponting was slammed for converting the Australian team into a ‘’pack of Wild Dogs’’. Then, we read that with glee. Now we should do it as sober people, as we reflect back on how the things shaped up.

Aggression must be used prudently because power has a tendency of getting into the head. A very strong tendency. If I still remember correctly, two days back Jadeja on NDTV DID NOT entertain the thought of cutting on the tour now. And why not? What India may have gained after Sydney with their aggression, they may have lost with that streak of stubbornness after Adelaide.

It is not to say that Bhajji was guilty. He may have genuinely uttered a Hindi abuse, which could have been heard as Monkey by Symonds. After all, our ear are always attuned to receiving what we strongly believe in. But then was it disclosed to Procter? Or was it just an afterthought to ensure that the credibility of both the sides does not suffer?

Then, the incident happened on Day three of Sydney. Two days should have been sufficient for host broadcasters to hand over the stump mike proceedings to Procter. Probably, hearing on Harbhajan could have been delayed for few more days.

It is funny that Bhajji’s past record of ‘disciplinary infractions’ was not given to Hansen. Did Hansen ask for such record before the proceedings took place. Any judge is expected to do that.

And if he did, but ICC failed, then it reflect very badly on their competence.

And if ICC lied on Harbhajan’s past record, the whole thing becomes even more murkier and serious.

Just to add in Jest, if Monkey was M..K, then was Big, actually Pig! And Again heard incorrectly! Indians can have fun talking endlessly about it, but the Aussie surely won’t enjoy.

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