Friday, November 20, 2009


Seven-eight farmers in Vidharbha committed suicide 2 days ago. The news was conveniently relegated to inside pages of our newspapers. Just about one column was dedicated to the news, which would have taken any of the developed nations by the storm. Such extreme acts borne out of extreme poverty, which actually merit front page mention, somehow fail to prick the conscience of the mainstream media anymore.

On the other hand, a harmless march in Delhi, which of course led to traffic jams all over the metropolis, got so much of critical coverage in the media. The high and the mighty in the capital were inconvenienced, and that was something unpardonable. But the positive offshoot for the farmers was that their demands, legitimate of course, will be met by the powers ruling the country.

Farmers in this country have different ways to tackling injustices. And that decides their destiny. Some take to streets, and get the nation to listen to their demands. While others, out of desperation, take out their lives and reduce their dependants to the state of beggary.

Independent india is into 63rd year. Too long a time to offer any excuses for the state the farmers are in. Despite this, only those indulging in agitational politics can hope that their voice will ever be heard. There is absolutely no hope for the others. They and their families are forever condemned

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