Thursday, November 26, 2009

A nightmarish session for Lankans

Call it the Pressure of chasing over 600 runs, call it some poor shot selection, call it never-say-die spirit of Sreesanth -- the fact is that just one good session by Indian bowlers in the current series has put India on the top. Going by the way things have gone in the morning session, SL could well be playing their second innings post-tea. Unless, J2 factor comes into play again.

Sometimes, just one good session is what it takes for a team to turn the series on its head. And India had to wait for good 22 sessions for a session like this. In contrast, Lanka took four or more wickets thrice in a session. 1st was on the 1st morning of Ahmedabad test, 2nd was the first session of day two at Ahmedabad, and third was yesterday evening at Kanpur when India lost 6 wickets post-tea while Lanka lost Dilshan.

Out of these four sessions won by the bowlers in their battle against batsmen, only one can be dubbed as a real genuine one when none of the teams were under any pressure. That was on day one when Lanka had India reeling at 32/4 at one stage. Immaculate line and length by Weledegara doing all the damage on the morning of 1st test.

The other three performances were more due to complacency of batsmen, or the fact that tailenders were batting, or the sheer pressure of a massive total. Still all credit to Sreesanth for ensuring that Sri Lanka remained on the back-foot. He showed tremendous attitude and application. At times, it takes just one inspired spell to ensure that the fate conspires against the opposition.

Lanka may believe that they were little unlucky that their edges rattled the stumps, while edges during indian innings missed stumps by miles. But they will also accept the fact that it was poor shot selection, and even poorer feet movement, which led to the dismissal of some of their highly-rated batsmen. Lanka have a very steep climb from now on, and it will need a miracle for them to draw this test. Just one poor session may have done them in.

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