Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Saving Test Cricket

Disturbing piece of news, though inevitable. An MCC study says test cricket is preferred form of game only for about 7% of Indian fans. In electoral terms, test cricket has lost its deposit. But there are surely some ways out of this mess.
1) Have day-night tests. Unless you are desperate to pass some time, or get your livelihood from cricket, there is very little chance that you will take a day off to watch 1/5th of a test.
2) Have four-day tests with each side allowed 90 overs per innings. Behind one good draw, their are at least 10 maha boring draws. You may not get 500 plus scores, or triple centuries scored, but the game will be far more entertaining. even in golf, you do not have two winners at the end of four days. There is always a sudden death kind of situation.
3) Give us sporting pitches for god sake. You can't have batsmen getting dismissed in just opening sessions thanks to some morning freshness. Of the 13 wickets that have falled on first 2 days, two morning sessions have accounted for as many as 8. Just five wickets in other four sessions speaks poorly of bowlers' graveyards
4) Have some innovations man. Two-three powerplay segments in 90-overs per innings test won't do any harm.
5) Make watching test cricket a little more humane experience with clean toilets, comfortable seats, and edible refreshments. Can't treat spectators like `Cattle class' in test cricket, though people don't mind shoddy treatment in the abridged form!
6) Divide test teams into two divisions. You can't hope to have India or Australia playing Bangladesh, and still ensure viewership. Have a kind of relegation system.
7) Listen to everybody's viewpoint with Open mind. It may be real cricket for Cricketers, but `tu cheez badi hai mast mast...' generation prefers things which give instant gratification. They are no longer bothered with the sublime, so have to be enticed. That is possible only through innovations, ...and by not making song and dance about how test cricket is the real cricket and the rest is tamasha.

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