Friday, November 6, 2009

Sachin, media loves you!

Indian newspapers, expectedly, were full of sachin today, and no one really seemed to mind the heartbreak for millions of cricket fans in the end. There were two front page headlines in the Hindustan Times. `Forget Sachin crossed 17,000. he played one of the best innings in the history of the game’was one, followed by `and the match? India lost, now trail Australia 2-3’. The Times of India wrote `Marathon Man almost gets India over the finish line’ Defeat seemed to pain Indian Express the most. It was a Front page `heartbreak’ followed by `Masters get 175, India fall 4 short of history’

Indian Express also reminded us that another big milestone might be achieved in the next match. Another five runs, and Tendulkar will have got to 3,000 runs against Australia in his 67th match. That piece of stats is more overpowering than the 17,000 runs he has scored in his career. The way Gavaskar neutralized the West Indies in tests, Tendulkar has done many times against the Aussie. After all, nothing can beat the satisfaction one gets from fighting and proving oneself against one of the best teams in the history of the game.

Some papers did point out that Sachin has often not managed to take India to the finish line, while adding at the same time that this does not take anything away from his mountain of achievements. How true.

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