Wednesday, December 19, 2007

What will India be banking on in Australia

(Based on quotes in Print Media)

Desperation to grab one last opportunity: Most senior cricketers are on their last tour of Australia so it is very important that we go back victorious, says Kumble.

Blog's Take: Hopefully, this desperation will be inspiration enough. The last chance should surely be the big enough motivation to give it one’s best shot. Especially for Kumble and Tendulkar, the only men from the two teams who were playing when Australia were last beaten on the home soil.

Absence of Warne: Kumble believes Australia will miss Warne so that is one area which India might be able to exploit.

Blog's Take: But that will happen only if the top order is able to play the pace effectively. That will allow the middle order to take care of any spin attack that Australia have post-Warne. But if top flops, Tait and Lee are capable of playing havoc with any batting lineup

Indian Aggression: Vice Captain Dhoni says that India is quite ready for Australian aggression on the field and ‘’We showed to them during the home series as well.’’

Blog's Take: India still lost the ODI series 4-2 though it won its twenty-20 encounter. It was not too bad, and rather creditable to take three matches out of seven, but this time the performance must exceed any upper hand in a verbal duel. After all, India is touring to win.

It is about playing good cricket and about adaptability, says Dhoni.

Blog's Take: Well, this adaptability will be the most important factor as just seven days remain before the battle of Melbourne takes off. The time is too little for comfort, but then Australia has never been a comfort zone for India.

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