Saturday, December 8, 2007

Khurafati (Troublesome) Arafat!

1st session of Bangalore

Whatever happens today, on the 1st day of Bangalore Test, Pakistan have proved that the momentum is on their side now. That is unless India go on to get past 250 with four-five wickets intact today.

And that has all been thanks to the new comer Yasir Arafat. The debutant's three wickets in a space of just seventeen runs meant India, after electing to bat, were precariously placed at 65 for four at lunch, fighting for survial.

At 44 for one with Gambhir gone early to Sami, India looked to have weathered the initial storm before Arafat brought one to bounce a little extra and Dravid, trying to attack, just managed to find the waiting hands of Misbah in the 1st slip.

Then Jaffer expected an outswinger and offered no shot. The ball cut in sharply, hit the pads, and up went the finger of Simon Tauffel. India were 51 for 3.

And if that was not bad enough, India's most reliable middle order batsman in the series, VVS Laxman, was done in by the low bounce to a straightish delivery. It took the bottom edge of his bat and disturbed the stumps.

Pakistan's momentum continues, and in what a great fashion!

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