Friday, December 14, 2007

''Sehwag Selection is about desperation, not inspiration''

That is what Harsha Bhogale had to say in his column for the Indian Express when Selectors chose to look beyond probables.

He also said ‘’so the list of 24 was either a decoy for journalists or a boring academic exercise’’. Well, on both counts he was right as he pointed out to the exclusion of Aakash Chopra.

Undoubtedly, Sehwag is phenomenal on his day, but right now he is certainly not the man in form if we go by his recent domestic performances.

However, Ravi Shastri (in HT) had a different take on the issue as he expressed his elation at Sehwag’s comeback.

‘’I admire Viru for his dash and panache and the initiative he can seize in a matter of few good strokes,''
said the former Indian skipper.

However, at the same time he was not certain if Sehwag would be a part of the eleven as
''that would mean keeping Yuvraj out''.

It is significant because if Laxman, Dravid, Tendulkar, Ganguly, Dhoni and Yuvraj are to play, it leaves scope for just Wasim Jaffer. The other opener could be either Yuvraj or Dravid. One grappling with bad luck and other with lack of form.

Hopefully, Sehwag will get a chance in the eleven in the first tour game to prove his credentials for the sterner Test ahead on December 26.

However, whether Sehwag is in the eleven or not, there is at least one expert who believes that India has a very good chance down under.

‘’My gut feeling is that Anil Kumble’s team will do quite well in Australia’’, writes Imran Khan, adding that, despite some docile pitches, ''the Indian batting is looking very good as of now''.

We can only say that aapke muhn mein ghee shakkar (An Indian way of expressing thanks hoping that Imran's words will come true). And we also hope that if Sehwag gets a chance, he will recapture the form of 2003-2004 season.

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