Thursday, December 6, 2007

As Pak Prepare for Critical Bangalore battle.....

Shoaib Malik's absence could be blessing in disguise

What could be a distressing news for the Pakistan middle order, may have some silver lining after all.

Younis Khan led from the front in the match against India at Kolkatta, and deserves to lead the side for the series saving third Test.

Considering Pakistan’s chances at Bangalore should be good, as traditionally they have dominated at this ground, they would not really like to tamper with the new think tank headed by Younis Khan.

Below is the link to a story on Shoaib's injury in Rediff.

If one recalls, Pakistan had won the Final Bangalore Test under Inzamam-ul-Haq to level the 2005 series against all odds. They could be itching to do it once again after such a gritty display at Kolkatta.

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