Monday, December 17, 2007

What Bishan Bedi never said!

Well he never said that the 1990 Indian team be thrown into the sea!!

In a TV programme Sunday Night, Bishan Singh Bedi has clarified that he had never said that the Indian team should be thrown into the pacific ocean after a humiliating loss to Australia during a triangular series in New Zealand in March 1990.

Speaking on cricket controversies programme on NDTV Sunday night, Bedi, the Indian coach then, said the comment was wrongly printed and actually what he said (after India failed to chase a very modest score) was that if somebody wants to commit suicide by jumping into the sea, he won’t stop him!

Unfortunately, his anguish, with little touch of humour, became a reckless comment by the time it reached the countrymen and created one of the biggest verbal turmoils in Indian cricket.

His wife, also on the programme, said that while people may have thought of Bedi as aloof and arrogant at times, he was only being frank and forthright.

In fact, Bedi has been forthright and candid (read outspoken) throughout his life (as player, coach and columnist) which was evident when he objected to Vaseline 'abuse' by Lever during England's tour of India in late seventies. A year earlier at Kingston, to protest against West Indies 'immoral intimidation' he had declare India's second innings rather prematurely.

However, Bedi's wife did say that at times she felt that his criticism of Sourav Ganguly was little harsh and in arguments with her husband on Sourav, she often defended Sourav and asked Bedi to be soft on him!

Interestingly Atul Wassan, a pacer on that tour, jokingly pointed out that Bedi, after one such bad performance told them that make sure if your performance is not upto it on the field, at least it is good off it!


Below are the links to two others blogs by Atul

1 comment:

Sudhir Bisht said...

Oh! Is that so?
I feel bad for carrying so much ill will against Bedi because I thought he actually wished that the entire team should be thrown in the sea.
Thanks for bringing out the truth.

Bishen Paa ji. Sorry!