Thursday, November 29, 2007

Kirsten has ''not yet decided'' on India's job

The way it has all happened, it won't be a surprise if Kirsten chooses not to accept India's job.

In a telephonic conversation with NDTV, the former South Africa opener categorically told that he was yet to make up his mind on the issue.

If it turns out to be another embarrassing no, well that will leave BCCI with ''nowhere to hide''! And, in fact, it will be quite befitting for the clandestine way the whole coach selection affair has gone.

Kumble Praises Kirsten

Meanwhile, Indian skipper Anil Kumble has praised Kirsten as ''tough competitor".

He said Kirsten's skills as player will be an asset to Indian team.

But the problem is that even Greg Chappell was an extremely skillful player, and certainly better than Kirsten.

And he was also a member of a very successful team, which was second only to the West Indies in late seventies and early eighties.

Is Kirsten already worried about Australian Tour

Meanwhile, In an exclusive interview with ESPN's SportsCenter India, the former South Africa batsman has said that he though the plan was to get involved with the team during the Australian series, but it was not intended to be on full-time basis.

To Sportscenter, he said the reason was that the notice has been very short and ''I have some long-standing commitments that I need to honour through to December and January. It’s with a view to starting full-time on March 1, if I sign the contract.”

Now the best way for Kirsten will be to come up clearly with the nature of these commitments. Else people might think he wanted to get on with the Indian team only after the toughest series in the World was over.

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