Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Board's Ring Tone annoys Vengsarkar

If a Television Channel is to be believed then Indian Chief Selector Duleep Vengsarkar has been asked to select Indian team for the 3rd Test after confabulations over phone. It is a move which Vengsarkar says has humiliated him.

But then it is not the first time the Board has insulted the chief selector. BCCI went all out against his newspaper columns and had told him that either he could be a writer or a selector.

If it is done, it will be the first time that a team would be selected over phone. Probably a live link would have been more appropriate in such situation.

Two reasons are said to be responsible for BCCI’s such queer response. First, the Chief Selector had requested the Board to shift the venue for the selection committee meeting, and Board chose to replace it with trin trin. Another reason was the Board did not want selectors to miss Ranji Matches.

Probably, the decision after such Phone(y) selection meeting will be communicated to media through e-mails, and not a formal press conference!

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