Friday, November 30, 2007

Does Shoaib Akhtar still 'chuck'?

If a front page report in the Times of India is to be believed, Indian players are not happy with the action of Pakistan’s Wrecker De chief Shoaib Akhtar and have complained to the BCCI about it. They even want BCCI to take action.

As per the report, the team is particularly upset about Dravid’s dismissal in second innings when he was castled by Akhtar with a 150 kmph delivery, which cut back so sharply that it was almost unbelievable.

If Chest infection was not enough, that is another problem on Shoaib’s hand before today’s match. With this report, his action is going to come under greater scrutiny than ever before.

But then, it is perplexing that report has just come on the morning of the test. If the sentiments were so strong, they should have been conveyed on the fourth or fifth day of the first Test itself .

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