Saturday, March 8, 2014

Raj DEEP in the land of eye-blinding lights 1/4

It certainly won’t be construed  debatable, if I were to address Rajdeep Sardesai, a romantic by heart. 

The word may seem clichéd, used so often, but what else can be used 2 describe  a  man who loves to recall, if not  listen to, some old all time classics before hitting the bed.

Confirmation, if needed, also comes from his unstinted support to a brand of cricket played in whites, which still embodies romance for the middle-aged, but a sheer waste of time by the younger brigade, at times headed by one’s own children (like my daughter!).

Much like  many other romantics, Mr Sardesai  does seem to be living in the past. Still fantasising about a world full of idealism, where good arguments and  `uninterrupted’ nice  debates can still clinch the TRPs. Though his delegation policy, as I hear from my friends in his org, ensures a meaningful,  diversified flavour, and end-of-the-day satisfaction.

But here I am not talking about the programmes, which I find quite decent. But what I wish to focus on,  is his living in the past. In pursuit of some non-achieveable dream. And this  is reflected in something else.

(More to follow)

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