Friday, March 7, 2014

I will never call them AAPtards, but….. (1/5)

And why should I . 

After all, any opposition deserves all the respect. No opposition can ever be taken lightly. And by nearly bagging Delhi once, AAP guys have proved that they are worthy of the respect which comes from fighting well.

As the History of free India is a testimony,  Rarely has any party got as many seats, and vote share in their first ever outing.  Their sheer  numbers in delhi polls, make them worthy of being treated gracefully.

However, while recognising their tremendous debut,  I am also glad that I did not join them, despite seriously toying with the idea once.

For numbers do tell the story, but they do not tell the whole story. And  also, numbers seldom  indicate how the story is going to end. And I fear, it is going to end rather tragically for AAP. And if it does end badly in terms of numbers, they will have no one to blame, but themselves, for the sorry state of affairs. AAP’s has been a classic case of suicidal instincts prevailing over conventional wisdom.

And it’s such a pity as AAP guys could have been the king makers, but they are in danger of becoming the leftovers, the object of ridicule.

Overambition, it seems, has done them in

(more to follow)

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