Friday, March 21, 2014


When I got up this morning, a very unfamiliar face greeted me. A benign, smiling face…..yet sooo unfamiliar! 

The 19-year-old, half-steel half-flesh humanoid introduced herself as my greatx8 grand daughter, or my tenth generation!

 I was yet to get over the shock when another one greeted me. I had woken up in a mega transparent capsule with nature visible in all its glory….but was too stunned to appreciate it.

I was later told that capsule’s  radius was about 100 metres, with a huge temperature bar on the roof giving a reading of 25 degree Celsius. I was told that the outside temperature, at 63 degree, was on the lower side. It was the coolest phase of the winter and, to my utter bewilderment, it was the winter of, believe it or not, 2314.  Globalisation had finally taken its toll, but the humanity had survived in mega capsules floating on the mighty and cruel waves of the sea.

Was I dreaming! If I was, I could not have waited to get up. Where was my immediate family. I was informed, after a brief counselling to soothe my nerves, that they were long gone after waiting for me to wake up for decades. They waited in vain since that fateful day of March 20, 2014, when Viplav Vinod, whose name itself is a contradiction of terms, had cursed me to 300 years of sleep.

Well. No revenge was possible. Viplav  was long gone too after creating  (call it mayhem, anarchy or whatever you like) in my life. And his facebook account was gone too, courtesy the now-in-force strict policy for the dead. So no revenge was possible as well -- either verbal or written.

I was in great distress, experiencing the bouts of amazements at the same time, at the strange term of events. I was cursing viplav all the time. Wish he had realised that his curse of 300 years of sleep, had, somehow, come true, and so tragically for me.  (MORE TO COME)

(hole-won format one)

While Basra's application (and I – atul sondhi -  won’t ever hear any Sardarji jokes after seeing the results of Basra’s cute application!)  is nice in its speed and  transparency, I strongly, sincerely, and unequivocally suggest that LET US NOT GET LIMITED BY OUR LIMITATIONS as we trudge through the finely cut grass of the DSC mini-golf course. Otherwise, the sacrifice of numerous insects, who have been clubbed to death by our Irons, and, I dare say, balls, will have gone in vain

This round format with cumulative scoring, which we implement so gladly/happily, is in fact so much inferior to the hole-won format, especially at a course which does not tend to reward adventurous stroke play. 

If we want to improve our game, and eventually enter the `golfing hall of fame' of Dwarka Sports Complex, we got to switch to a new format. There are solid reasons for it.  (more to follow today, tomorrow or the day after)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

CLarification in RAJ-DEEP piece

Media BUG mean 
Bad, Good and Ugly in media. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

2/4 Raj_DEEP in the time of blinding lights (Second part)

Before I proceed to say anything else, I must empathise with Rajdeep. The Poor man is left to deal with BUGs all the time – BUGs outside and BUGs inside.  (BUGs, for record, are not negative. But an acronym, which is a beautiful combination of Positive, Negative, and Neutral pillars of media) 

But to Rajdee[‘s  credit, he refuses to get ruffled by the swarming, swamping and swimming horde of BUGs in Media.

And this find ample reflection in his tweet `much in journalism which is terrible and deserves to be exposed. But Much that is good too. Time to separate the good, bad and ugly.’ And also his advice to media few nights ago when he slept to the melodious `zhoot bole kauwa kate, kale kauwe se dariyo…. ’ as an advice to politicians and scribes!

But can Media BUG, an entity where one part feeds the other, be subdivided into self-sustaining parts. I fear NO. Though in an ideal world it should – a world where good is separated from the bad. And  bad, through a process of ostracism,  gradually withers away.

Rajdeep still seems to be living in this ideal world. Gud, as long as he enjoys it.  MORE TO FOLLOW

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


`Hope my lord has understood what I was trying to tell him two weeks ago about Saint P(AAP) Punya Prasun Vajpayee’ 

This is the message I received from one of my close friends  yesterday. I could sense the glee, having seen an `AAP sympathiser’ fall.

And almost immediately,  I  rose to defend PPV. And why not.
Almost anyone who has interacted with PPV can vouch for the fact that he  is a gud man. A gem.

During my stint as Wisden Producer for AAJTAK for their Cricket  programme (I had followed the footsteps of Gaurav Kalra who had joined CNN-IBN), I used to sit in TV Today building for close t 8-9 hours on each match day.  Those used to be lonely days. You do not often have friends if you are not a permanent employee of an organisation. Interaction is generally a casuality as outsiders can never be fully trusted 

But Punya Prasun, despite his seniority as an India renowned presentor,  always made it a point to take a `walking pause’ around my seat,   briefly talk about the match situation, and, almost always, share words of encouragement.

I will never forget these gestures. It was such a boost then (August 2005 to Dec 2006 was the period). He is among the most humble of guys I have met, despite all the limelight around him as being part of India’s most popular, if not the best, channel.

Even in the current controversy, I do not, for a moment think, that PPV can be blamed in any way. During my stint as BiTV correspondent, many businessmen and politicians, after an interview, have requested me to remove some comments, which they may have given in the heat of the moment, and highlight some, which could promote their organisation.  Sometimes I obliged, sometimes did not. But always in consultation with my then programme producers.

What PPV did, or did not do, Everyone does. It is normal, it is natural, it is acceptable.
 (more to follow)
Two other new posts are   AND

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Raj DEEP in the land of eye-blinding lights 1/4

It certainly won’t be construed  debatable, if I were to address Rajdeep Sardesai, a romantic by heart. 

The word may seem clichéd, used so often, but what else can be used 2 describe  a  man who loves to recall, if not  listen to, some old all time classics before hitting the bed.

Confirmation, if needed, also comes from his unstinted support to a brand of cricket played in whites, which still embodies romance for the middle-aged, but a sheer waste of time by the younger brigade, at times headed by one’s own children (like my daughter!).

Much like  many other romantics, Mr Sardesai  does seem to be living in the past. Still fantasising about a world full of idealism, where good arguments and  `uninterrupted’ nice  debates can still clinch the TRPs. Though his delegation policy, as I hear from my friends in his org, ensures a meaningful,  diversified flavour, and end-of-the-day satisfaction.

But here I am not talking about the programmes, which I find quite decent. But what I wish to focus on,  is his living in the past. In pursuit of some non-achieveable dream. And this  is reflected in something else.

(More to follow)

Friday, March 7, 2014

I will never call them AAPtards, but….. (1/5)

And why should I . 

After all, any opposition deserves all the respect. No opposition can ever be taken lightly. And by nearly bagging Delhi once, AAP guys have proved that they are worthy of the respect which comes from fighting well.

As the History of free India is a testimony,  Rarely has any party got as many seats, and vote share in their first ever outing.  Their sheer  numbers in delhi polls, make them worthy of being treated gracefully.

However, while recognising their tremendous debut,  I am also glad that I did not join them, despite seriously toying with the idea once.

For numbers do tell the story, but they do not tell the whole story. And  also, numbers seldom  indicate how the story is going to end. And I fear, it is going to end rather tragically for AAP. And if it does end badly in terms of numbers, they will have no one to blame, but themselves, for the sorry state of affairs. AAP’s has been a classic case of suicidal instincts prevailing over conventional wisdom.

And it’s such a pity as AAP guys could have been the king makers, but they are in danger of becoming the leftovers, the object of ridicule.

Overambition, it seems, has done them in

(more to follow)

Glue, challenger and AAP

  1. Gud morning 5 -- a rainbow of different parties make our democracy rich. So best of luck to and
  2. Gud Morning 4 -- however, parties like will also be needed to ensure that the big fishes are always on the toes
  3. Gud morning 3 -- this millennium so far has been stable under NDA and UPA. I see no reason why should it change nationally.
  4. Gud morning 2 -- respect rahul for his fresh ideas, but admire for the way he has generated a positive passion.
    1. Gud morning 1 -- Congress has been a glue binding this nation, and it will continue to. but BJP is the flavour of the season