Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Today's result was a writer's delight

First of all, a miracle happened. Another match became a possibility in this weather marred tournament! Things looked really bleak this morning and nothing could have been a bigger letdown than getting up at 4.30, and waiting endlessly, only to see the match going the same way as the first two matches of the series involving India.

Second, a virtual twenty20 encounter had its share of some excellent performances. It was a treat to watch Jayasuriya’s pyrotechnics, Rohit Sharma’s tremendous stroke-making abilities, and a superb knock from Dilshan to ensure that Sri Lanka finally earned some winnings points!

Third, the series is still alive and kicking. It would have possibily become a two horse race, had Sri Lanka failed to chase a reasonable India target, made modest by the weather thanks to further cut down in overs. Two consecutive defeats at the hands of Australia and India would have put some serious question marks over their ability to come back and hit the track again.

As for India, one can expect mild criticism from experts after this ‘let down’. Mild because Indians were the victims of weather to a large extent. Of course, another ‘failure’ for Yuvraj to ‘survive’ (though this time he was in a no-win situation) will renew the calls for bringing back the original replacement (Tiwary), or some fresh opportunity for Raina or Karthik.

The Indian bowling, after such a splendid show against Australia in both the matches (rain curtailed as well as the one which completed its full course), could come under some scrutiny for sure. And why not? That is editor's prerogative.

As for most of those who are compelled to watch a series just because it is part of their profession, it is always better to be watching something alive and kicking. Lankans ensure that today.

Their clinical show at Canberra has renewed the hope that this tournament has the potential to go down to the wire, before the final countdown begins. That certainly augurs well for the rest of the cricketing journey this season.

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