Sunday, February 10, 2008

India must leave its obsession with World Cups

Peter Roebuck is to writing, what Ian Chappell is to commentary. No holds barred comments, and no taking sides (One could also include Sunny and Bishan here). They speak from the heart, without being too diplomatic, and at times get barrage of criticism from every quarter. The duo represent the ultimate in media, both in terms of integrity, and extremely valuable inputs.

Now, it was very interesting to read Roebuck’s views about 2011, which somehow escaped the attention of most of the media.

While commending India for being on the right track with its ODI side for the competition, he also said that
‘’Much has been made of the need to build a team for the 2011 World Cup. That is foolish. It is unwise to be thinking about an event so far away.’’

The comments could not have been more timely. If one just concentrate’s on winning matches consistently, it automatically improves one’s chances of winning such tournament. Basically, preparing for future is just a hogwash. It tends to become an alibi for failures. You select players, appoint coaches, with a view to win something good three years away!

Here Roebuck adds
‘’An awful lot can change in a week, with injuries, losses of form, new faces, ten-over cricket starting and so forth. Goodness knows how much might alter in three years!’’

In such a fast paced sporting world, three years is a lifetime indeed. One may not have Tendulkar and Sehwag to open, and one could well be grappling with newer combinations. Just compare the ODI side in early 2005 with the one we have playing today, and you will know.

But the most important thing Roebuck emphasizes is that ‘
’It is foolish to place so much emphasis on a single tournament. The All Blacks tend to think only about the Rugby World Cup and as a result usually freeze when the time comes. Instead India must set out to win as many matches as possible.’’

Did not we see that in World Cup 2007! Frozen footwork and numb stroke play due to unreasonable expectations. So much of hype followed by muck on our idols after they crashed out. India could have done better without so much pressure.

So cricket administrators will do well to pay heed to what Roebuck has to say. Do not do so much of advance planning. Winning more and more matches is much more important, than a trophy, which is put on display just once in four years.

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