Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why I won't take any bull...  1

(summary of some posts today)

    1. Bull 5 -- Is it stubborness, some chemical locha! or a principled approach? .....(will get back tomorrow on this)
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  1. Bull 4 -- I have always given it back, and seen people ganging up against me. But do I regret it. A big NO..but why.....
    1. Bull 3 -- I hv always found it unacceptable if Pple -- high ups, neigbours, friends -- try to wrongfully bully me.......
    2. Bull 2 -- ......I still feel he is right. even though he was in govt and I have been in pvt.......
    3. Bull 1 -- Dad always taught me never to take bulls..t from anybody, if U think you are right. that has made life tough but..........


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