Friday, March 28, 2008

It's the moment that matters

Breathtaking assault by Virender Sehwag, a man who averages a remarkable 50 in tests despite not being a natural opener. He just plays his natural game, because he knows of no other way of surviving.

No amount of praise can be enough for this man for taking the fight back to the South African Camp. It speaks volumes about a player’s temperament and commitment, if he can play a knock like this after fielding for over five sessions in Chennai’s soul-sapping heat.

If the South Africans thought they could out-pace India, probably they had not seen the videos of India-Australia battle. Sheer pace no longer terrifies the Indians. Bouncers are contemptuously dispatched to the thirdman or fineleg. Only a nagging line and length with reasonable pace can numb their mindset, and here the visitors must be missing someone like Shaun Pollock.

Lack of quality spinners on Indian tracks is another major disadvantage. May be, the Proteas can also think of approaching the future contests with five specialist bowlers.

The pitch may be dead as dodo, and South African attack toothless, still facing a first innings target of 540 can be scary for any team. India, to their credit, never allowed the opposition to get to them – either yesterday evening, or today morning. There was no place for fear. That should gladden the hearts of their supporters. The Indian fans, as they are, want fireworks even in a dull draw. Else there is no point thronging the stadiums, or watching on telly. Players like Sehwag ensure just that and, in the process, take the game beyond the realm of results.

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